Monday, March 10, 2014

MMO Monday: Shin Megami Tensei: IMAGINE Online - Goodnight, Sweet Prince!

Edit: 5/18/2014 - The amount of attention this article has gotten is not only overwhelming, but heartwarming as well. I'll reply to every comment when I can. I'm truly humbled by how many people enjoyed reading, and I sincerely hope I was able to do it justice. Feel free to share your memories or fondest moments in the comments. Despite SMT: IO's closure, the fun times we have shall always live on.


Sorry about being gone so long, my urge to write just hasn't been here lately. As a present to anyone who reads my garbage, this article is jam-packed with info! Please, I sincerely hope that you enjoy.

It's the day we all fear from the bottom of our wallets-- er, hearts. The day our favorite mmo gets shut down and we are given nothing but a short amount of time and a cutoff date. Everyone spreads the news, gathers on the forums, and gets contact information from each other before the inevitable climax. Some players become pessimistic, claiming that they "knew it would happen eventually", and strive to bring everyone else's optimism down. Others cling to hope, an uncertain hope that maybe another publisher will come to save the day. Just maybe. Nonetheless, the story ends as the server shuts off and hundreds sit at their desks. A few-second silence fills the atmosphere as the player wears a slight frown before eventually exiting out of the application. Some have already accepted the cold truth, and have already done the deed of uninstalling, moving on to other things. Time passes; and although tears are shed, we players lie powerless in the wake of the very corporations that control what we love. Acceptance finally leaks into our hearts, and we continue on with the memories and friendships that we made etched into our souls.

It sucks, doesn't it? As someone who has been fondly attached to MMOs for the past 5 years, I know the pain of a game eventually shutting down. You invest time and money to it, but in the end it all gets erased. Truly then, it's the journey that's most meaningful, and not the destination.

Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine Online is a case of such, being up since 2007 in Japan and late 2008 for North America. While the Japanese server is still alive and running, the U.S. server has unfortunately kicked the bucket as of February 28th, 2014. Nontheless, SMT:IO is a wonderfully crafted game, and so I'd like to take the time to appreciate it in retrospect as its glorious age in NA has drawn to a close.

(Image courtesy of - the site that I practically worship)

SMT:IO is a unique game in that it gives the player a huge element of control. You decide everything, from where your stat points go, to what skills you learn, to what expertise you learn (to coincide with your class selection) and what demon partners you have by your side (based on your alignment). Any SMT fan will immediately have a nerdgasm, but all of these options can be overwhelming for a casual mmo player or even someone not entirely familiar with anything in the SMT universe. I'll break it down into a few subsections.

Class - While there are no predefined classes laid out (healer, mage, ranger, etc) there are a few "classes" that utilize specific skills and expertise. You could become a close-range melee, using blunt-force weapons to do your damage, while pumping your stat points into strength and vitality for the most common melee build. You could become a magic-user, cramming your stat points into magic and intelligence to get the most bang for your buck, and learn all of the various AOE magic skills the game has to offer. While being a mage, you could also go out of your way to learn a  few healing skills and buffs to help out your party or to just help while soloing -- if you choose.

You could go the gunner route and focus on shooting things from afar, but you could then add curse magic to your roster of skills, and charge up cursed shots that do more damage than normal shots while debuffing your enemies. Even so, you could make a character for the sole purpose of crafting weapons or refining armor. You could be a jack of all trades, and a master of none. Or, you could limit yourself to one profession but be completely maxed out in all respective areas.

(Courtesy of the SMT:IO Wiki, currenly hosted by Sesshou.

Alignment - Alignment only affects minor parts of the story (there are story quests in this game, they actually make up the meat of the quests, if you're wondering). However, alignment is much more relevant in deciding your choice of demon partners. Much like in the early SMT games, you recruit demons from the field (yes, the very same ones you grind and level up on) and then have them fight alongside you. That process in itself isn't terribly complicated, but your choices matter much more when considering alignment. There are three paths for you to choose: Lawful, Neutral, or Chaotic. Just as players fall into different alignments, so do demons. A lawful character can befriend, summon, and use a chaotic demon just fine, and vice-versa. However, the magnetite cost to summon a demon that isn't of your own alignment is substantially higher.

What is magnetite you ask? Basically, a secondary form of currency that is only used for demon summoning and certain special burst attacks. Let's say that a Lawful Character summons the Seraph Uriel (also of the Lawful alignment). The magnetite cost to do so might be around 400~500. However, let's take that same demon and try to summon him on your character who is aligned with Chaos. That cost jumps to double or even more. Magnetite may go around somewhat quickly these days, but when different dungeons/situations call for a variation in your partner choice, you'll find that this can get exceedingly expensive.

Stats & Expertise - Finally, we come to the art of numbers in electronic gaming. Imagine lets you distribute your stat points any way that you see fit, so you have full control over the growth of your character, as well as their strengths/weaknesses. You also can choose what expertise to level up, which paves the way for skills (both passives and actives). Expertise leveling up is time-consuming and sometimes a pain (for example, to learn healing skills you have to use healing items quite a number of times to level up the expertise), but every level feels rewarding as your character continues to become more defined.

While no character was truly perfect, there were so many variables that no two people were exactly the same. Even if their end result was similar, the path they took to get there was quite different. Sadly, screwing up badly enough was usually a death sentence for your character, as the ways to reset stats and skills were very limited.

(This is actually one of my screenies! Hooray!)

The meat of the game is composed in story quests, which yield the most exp, the best rewards, and are the primary way to establish your alignment. While sadly I have not played a story quest in a very long time, it wasn't nearly as lackluster as many MMOs and even had some heart-tugging moments involving a pixie near the beginning (how could I let her go with that adorable face?). The best part is that most of the story quests can be done with a party, so you could invite others to share in the experience and loot they they wouldn't be able to get just by going through the standard dungeons.

Demons level up just like Pokemon, and they gain new skills as they do so. While it'd be much too lengthy to explains all of the mechanics here, I can at least give a brief overview. If you befriend two demons, you can take them to the cathedral of Shadows and fuse them together, usually resulting in a stronger demon that has inherited a few skills of the original two, giving it an edge over the ones you'd normally find in the field. You can also level up your friendship with demons by leveling them up, using a specific item, or using the "Care" command ever 12 hours. If you use care while your partner is at max friendship, they will give you an item. It's usually a consumable (though a very useful one) but sometimes you can get a very nice consumable item that you can't find elsewhere, making it worth your time and effort to make your entire team love you. Try not to let them die though, as it decreases their friendship a bit.

Dungeons are another big aspect of the game, as it's where you will get the most delicious loot and fight alongside strangers or friends. In order to access the dungeon, you must first purchase a plate (the only really annoying aspect, as these could get costly later on) that corresponds to the difficulty that you desire. Bronze plates are "easy" mode (Level 10~25) Silver is "intermediate" (Level 25~50) and Gold is "Hard" (50+). Because this game is awesome though, any lowbie with highbie friends could sit back and soak up the exp from higher level players in a Gold instance, making the grind a little less... grind-y. The best loot is given when the boss takes their fall, and every player is rewarded their own special treasure chest. There were also some dungeons where you're under a time limit and control your demon partner only, but getting to party with people could sometimes be a hassle, as their partners had to be of the same family and high friendship to tag along.

One of the things I loved about running dungeons was that it was usually pretty easy to find a party, and the atmosphere was very relaxed. We all were very different in our builds, yet we worked together to take down hordes of enemies utilizing our skills and our partners' skills. In my entire experience through all difficulties of dungeons, I never once got called out for making a mistake. We all played our part and did our best, and sometimes the fight for survival could be incredibly intense.

I personally started playing sometime mid-2010, before completely wrecking my character, going on hiatus for a few months to focus on school, and then coming back early 2011. Not sure what made me want to come back, but I was interested in giving it a try once more. I buckled down, did some research, and made a solid plan so that I wouldn't completely destroy the new character I had created. She was a melee named Sanix. The melee class was simple and easy to understand, and after some rough stat setups, I eventually got comfortable and leveled her up. It took quite some time, but I proudly got her to level 65. She may not have had the best gear ever, but she was a solid melee with good attack and defense, and I had a blast playing with her.

Graphically speaking, SMT:IO isn't incredible (look how old it is) but it remains faithful to the SMT franchise with the character and demons models, as well as the locations. It always seems like it's nighttime, and the atmosphere that Imagine creates is hard to match, and will likely be the only game to do so effectively. The Kagutsuchi phase always there to remind you of the passage of time. Even the holy city Arcadia feels eerie and quiet with the blanket of stars overhead and the cathedral in the distance.

In conclusion... SMT:IO is just a great game with so many innovative ideas and freedom that it never gets old. Despite the extreme lack of updates and bugs in the game, the players never ran out of things to do, and continued playing very often. The community was a bit on the small side, but very receptive and welcoming to new players. It's truly a shame to see such a lovely community get denied time and time again by a greedy publisher and a company that had no intention of ever improving the NA experience of Megaten. I saw it leave Aeria, move to ATLUS Online (not to be confused with the Atlus that doesn't suck), and finally on to Marvelous USA's Online division. With the hint of new updates being released sometime this year, the abrupt announcement of MarvelousUSA's online dept. closure was a real shame, and ultimately, the game's conclusion.

Most saddening to me was a quote from a forum mod basically saying that they never saw it coming and that they were informed at the same time as the players. My heart does go out to those who only had a month to get new jobs and I really hope that they were able to find something before the cutoff date. I know that can't be easy. I also give my condolences to the Pandora Saga community, which although I knew not much about, was a game that saw its prime some time ago and surely had a great cluster of dedicated players.

I was happy that I learned just quick enough to log myself in for a short time before the servers went down. It was fun being silly in Shinjuku Babel for some mayhem one last time.

From Wikipedia: Unfortunately, on January 27th, 2014, Marvelous USA announced that it would be closing down as of February 28th, 2014, and that all of the titles it was responsible for hosting would be dropped. On February 28th, 2014 many players of Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine Online logged in to spend some time in the game for the last time before it closed at 5:00PM PST. [Link]

Resources:  -- The Wiki, hosted by Sesshou and preserved for all to take a gander at.  -- The player-hosted forums, where players still gather and talk about the game, as well as give tutorials for those who wish to play the Japanese servers.  -- The hardcoregaming101 article that talks about the game when it first opened, worth a read (like many articles on hcg101).

As always, thanks for reading! If you played megaten, be sure to cherish your memories and experiences~


  1. This game is really great! One of my favorites as well as EVE and FFXI. By the way,maybe Aeria could take the game back, but they dont care,Aeria shut down a lot of games, that is why im not going to play Aeria games.Its the same story as SEGA Phantasy Star online and Phantasy Star Universe - u could start to play but u must know that ur game will be shut down w/o any reason.

    1. First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment! Sadly, I feel the same way. Granted, Aeria is just a publisher and income/company profit will always be their number one concern (technically it has to be so that the company can continue, but the world of business is overall just an unpleasant can of worms). Getting the rights to re-publish megaten is probably more difficult than us, as players in the consumer base, can accurately imagine. However, because the Japanese server is still up and running is a positive aspect; it does prove that with a good game and dedicated playerbase, a game can flourish even long after its prime. It's true that it can't remain forever, but it will certainly have lived a wonderful course by the time it goes down.

      Secondly, PSO2 is just depressing considering that free-to-play in NA and EU (and everywhere else) is VERY popular and a great business model, and it seems silly to limit it to Asia considering the competitive market. With no word from SEGA of America (come on guys, you're not a bad company, so stop acting like one) I've given up hope on a US release, and if it does happen, it will be past the game's initial prime and everyone will already be on the Japanese Server, probably not wanting to change ship. Well hey, guess there's no better time to get educated in Japanese, eh? Just be warned, it isn't exactly easy.

      Thanks again for the comment and expressing your thoughts, it's really a shame that things have to be like that. Alas, we just have to work with what we have.


  2. i think i am one more lost person that look on google every week for any news about megaten D: then i found you ,nice to meet you space here ^^ i'm going to try jp server
    idk any word in JP , i hope the smart fan's of smt made a patch in english :p, was very usefull found this page <3

    1. Greetings! I'm very happy that you enjoyed my article, and I'm really happy that you decided to leave a comment. It really makes my day!
      As soon as I found out about the shutdown, I had bookmarked about a zillion threads with any kind of information. There was a monetary kickstarter that was scrapped due to legal reasons, people were suggesting private servers and whatnot, and there are also threads on other websites requesting the aid of other NA game publishers. Two threads that I actively watch can be found here:


      It's not much, but this and the fan-made forums are pretty much our only real source of information. About the English patch, I've heard from various sources that one doesn't exist (probably due to Cave's shitty coding) though i haven't technically dug around myself to see if this is true or not. With the shutdown of the US server, someone will probably attempt at this, but I can't be sure. I'd say if Japanese intimidates you (and it does to most people, so don't worry) if you reach out to those on the fan forums, you will get the help you seek in getting comfortable with the JP server. There are a handful of active English players that can help you out, even if you're new to the game. If you want to play but aren't sure where to start, I definitely urge you to check and post there, it's your best bet.

      Thanks again for your comment and best of luck if you decide to venture to JP! Long live Megaten and may you have a safe virtual journey :D

    2. Thank you *_*

  3. Just wanted to say awesome article! Imagine Online was one of the few games I always came back too- there was just something about this game. I hope, like all other times, it comes back somehow, by someone. Hopefully most of us won't have to go to the Japanese servers :P


    1. Thanks so much for the comment! I'm really glad you enjoyed it, I feel really satisfied with my overall thoughts on the game and how I was able to just sort of... showcase it. It's always good to be positive right? Hopefully a publisher out there can convince Cave to be.. well, reasonable. Here's to hoping!


  4. Hi there:

    I loved this game a pair of years ago, when I started playing it. I even wrote a fanfic (the last one I've ever made), and this is still the MMORPG that got me more interested. I just knew about this yesterday, and the momment I started looking for info I came here.

    Just wanted to thank you for the article, I'm actually feeling nostalgic about the game, and the great times I spent there, holding that tender tear with a smile for the "good old days".

    Thanks for this homage.

    1. Thank you so much! I'm really glad that you enjoyed the article, I hope I was able to cover everything that makes Imagine stand out. It's really such an awesome game, I do regret not being able to play it for so long thanks to my toaster PC u.u

      Even if the physical server is disconnected, the memories we hold will last forever~ the "good old days" didn't have to end just because someone said, we decide that! As long as we enjoyed our time while playing, the good days were all the time~

      Thanks again, and thanks to such a loyal and wonderful playerbase: Long live Megaten! (:


  5. Thank you for your post!
    I was going to start playing again today... Then I found out SMT had shut down from a friend and my heart just shattered into pieces, because like you I had a really fond attachment to it and like the many other readers, reading through this article made me feel much nostalgia. TuT I was always that newbie player who whenever I came back, even after doing so much research, was always confused as to what I should do next but always met such great people every time I came back who assisted me always... TUT ... and saving me... I think I died so often, someone would usually camp near me, to resurrect me again. :P ... Fond memories... Hahaha

    Thank you again for your post! :)

    1. Hi! Thank you so much for reading and leaving a comment, I'm really glad that you enjoyed it. I'm also very proud that I was able to capture Megaten's awesomeness in just a blog post alone! (But I really tried, it's such an awesome mmo and has a charm that really can't be found elsewhere.)
      I felt the same, no matter how many times I had to leave megaten (for whatever reason), it always seemed like it would be there when I was ready to come back. It left such a huge impact that I felt like it could never disappear. I'm glad it hasn't completely, but it still is definitely a heartbreaker for those of us who don't frequent the beautiful and complex language of Japanese. You know what? I can relate to you, my current boyfriend found me in the the field, grinding on some mobs when I was a noob. I died tons, but he stayed with me and rezzed me. That was how we first met and we're still together today. Maybe it was fate? I'm betting SMT's awesomness is what brought us together, after all. (haha!)
      That nostalgic feeling is somehow nice though, isn't it? Bittersweet, somehow, but we can always remember the times we enjoyed~


    2. Keke, Thanks for taking your time to reply back~ 

      I could not agree with you any less!
      There is something special about that game that I believe most of us have an attachment to, most the players I met in game, went on hiatus’ for a while and every time I asked them why they came back their response would be similar to, “I don’t know? This game just always makes me feel like coming back no matter how long it’s been”. Haha, I’m thinking of learning some Jap and picking up the Jap version… Or just guessing my way through :P. (Which will most likely be the case considering my many failed attempts to learn Japanese already). I find it pre' awesome that the awesomeness of SMT brought you two together. I reckon it was fate with the touch of the awesomeness of SMT because none of the guys that camped by me to res me became my boyfriend :)). Haha, oh I made myself laugh. Anyways, talking about that game gives me too many feels and if I had repeated anything you had already said sorry! 

  6. awww i will miss this game soooo much i played it when i haved time! i meet some super good ppl in game they gived me armors weapons for the start helping me with quests and getting better there any news about new eng server or that something?

    1. Hi! I'm really happy to hear that your journeys in Megaten were sunny-side up~ Unfortunately, I haven't heard anything about another English server quite yet. (To be fair though, I took a break from researching the topic to hopefully let some time pass to see how things progress.) Of course if I get any news, I'll post it right away. Thanks for taking the time to comment -- Long live Megaten!


  7. Just finished watching the anime: Devil Survivor 2 and made me remember all those time spent on demon fusion. Good old days and I really miss it now. I might go learn japanese just because I want to play in the Japanese Megaten server.

    Anyway, good article and thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks for the read! I appreciate it deeply. I haven't seen the Anime yet, though I'd want to play Devil Survivor first, just because. I miss them too :(


    2. I feel the same way and I miss my small Jack Frost. I kind of liked him. Devil Survivor 2 is an awesome anime.

  8. I appreciate the article you wrote for such a wonderful game. I was a level 56 Demolition Dasher with a focus on Ice, and also a heavy medic type player...I was a jack of all trades, but my damage and everything was insanely high, regardless of being able to do just about every role (Melee (with magic of course), mage, healer, support...)

    Upset me greatly when my friend gave me the news. We had just thought about coming back to play, and he went to update it, before finding out. We spent about a year and a half playing this on and off, when I wasn't working and he wasn't at school. Good times, going to his place, staying up all night and grinding dungeons...I remember going to the beach zone, and killing one of the elite mobs out there with our clan. Took over an hour, even with high level characters!

    Really hope I can find another MMO like this one. Truly special. Might be time to go play the original PSO on a private server or something. :(

    1. Hi there, thanks for taking the time to share your memories with everyone! You're definitely not alone there, everyone else feels the same. I was the same, just got my new pc to play, and checked... but nope, sadly. I used to do the same, a friend and I did Kuchinawa cave. Even though the mobs were easy, we had so much fun going together! And I really liked the atmosphere there as we spoke quietly about many things. It was magical, in a way.
      Best regards to your buddy as well and to you as you continue on your adventures to find an mmo to call home :D . Long live Megaten!


  9. This....depresses me. I came back from a long break excited to get back to my melee with a Hua Po trained into the higher ranked destruction magics thanks to my guild. Poor thing could only do one blast before running out, though I was still a low level. I sit and hope for the chance to play again as I refuse to play on a Jap Server (unless an English mod were to show itself like with PSO2). Hopefully we can look forward to a relaunch later on or even a new version to be spawned.

    1. Hi there! I really hope so too, the mechanics of this game really made it stand out, even if it was a total grindfest and getting your demons ready for Diaspora could be a real nightmare (never got to try it sadly, but from what I saw, it definitely looked hard.) I hear some good things about the Jap server (compared to the English one at least) and so it would be outstanding to hear if a person or group were working on some kind of patch, or hopefully a new release altogether. SMT is a popular franchise and with the surge of Persona fans, it would be nice to see a new version become a reality. Here's to hoping!


  10. I've been playing MMOs since 2009 and SMT Imagine... While it wasn't my first MMO it was definitely one of the few I ever loved. I've been hoping from one game to the next when I came across this one... and it called to me. Let me tell you something: I've played over five hundred MMOs in those years, (No I'm not making that up.) and only four of them ever held my interest for longer then a week. This was one of them. To see this game shut down... It was the first time I have ever CRIED for a game... Call it extreme but... SMT:Imagine was like a second home for me. And what hurts the most about the shut down is: I never got to say goodbye to my friends. I had (Useless and completely pointless) testing the week it was shut down. The day testing was finally done SMT shut down... And I didn't even know because I was passed out on the bed. When I woke up and logged in I found out my favorite game got shut down. To this day I still miss it greatly and whenever I think back on it, it leaves me in a depressed mood. It doesn't help that the Japanese version doesn't work for me no matter what I try. (Did make a account-Download went just fine. But I can't a character. Tried to change region and then I couldn't even get past the patcher. Tried using Japanese letters and still didn't work. I don't know what to do at this point) Besides that... There's no doubt in my mind that this game won't get published in the US again due to the Dev's wanting to keep the game in Japan's territory only. I can only hope someone makes a private server. Well anyway I'm going to go watch some video's I recorded while playing. See ya.

    1. Hi there! Thanks for reading the article and sharing your experiences, I believe all of us feel very similarly. Every now and then I myself go on an mmo-hopping craze but everything feels so similar and bland these days, it's hard to find something worth playing for more than an hour. SMT was like its own little world, a home that had a warm atmosphere where everyone helped each other out, and that it would just always be there whenever you needed a break and wanted to come back. I wish I could be more help to you in getting the Japanese version set up, but sadly that just isn't my area. Mayhaps you could present your errors to the English-player forums? There should be someone there who can at least give you some answers!

      All in all I feel for you, and while I feel I have accepted megaten's fate, a part of me still wishes that it could have been saved somehow. Thanks again for sharing your feelings, I'm very grateful!


  11. I'm going to miss my rifleman, mixed with first and second tier Destruction Magics as well as a few buffs and some healing magic. I'm going to miss my Angel and some of my other Demons that were a pain to get contracts with.

    Goodbye SMT:Imagine, I'll miss you so much, and I'll remember all the good times with my former guild members and the friends I made along the way.

    1. Hi there! The first part of your reply is exactly what makes this game so great. You could be... well, whatever you wanted to be, really. Even if it wasn't immediately viable, there were so many possibilities and combinations that you could create. You could be the unique character you truly wanted to be!

      Your farewell is noted, thank you for reading and long live Megaten!


  12. Words cannot describe how defeated i felt when the game shut down, All the blood/sweat/tears, since i started playing May 15th 2009, and all for nothing, Even though i had reached lvl97 there was so much more that i wanted to accomplish....trying for metatron alone was staggering :'D was halfway there, *sigh* god im going to miss this game, and totally not going to do that all over again in jp server, it just took so much time x.x so much time....

    1. Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment, I feel you. Even with the level cap, there was always something to do. There was no lack of personal goals as well (especially when it comes to demons, I was on the way to making mega-Hathor) and everything you worked hard for, you had something to show for it. You could really prove that you went above and beyond to reach your goals.
      While I wish it wasn't so grindy, if you're patient, it will pay off. One of the charms of the game, although it doesn't appeal to everyone :)

      I'm glad your time in megaten was fun, and never let your memories fade!


  13. FinalGirl Me and my sister (Headdesk) still have not uninstalled the game from our laptops. It's honestly just too much to bare. I really loved this MMO... even spent hundreds. The game was truly an investment and one of the few MMO's that I actually reached a decent level in. It just saddens me that Aeria won't buy it back for I think that's it's "Golden Age" Aeria buy it back!

    1. A lot of people still haven't, it's sort of a legacy, or piece of history sitting there now. Certainly a rocky path of history though, considering. Even though it's clear that Aeria wanted to cash in on it, at least they offered some really nice things, and the bonuses you got for spending milestones did feel as if your contribution was appreciated. After leaving Aeria, we didn't see anything like that again, and our money felt like it was being taken for granted, in a way. The close-out leveling event at Aeria was also EXTREMELY generous considering how hard it is to get things in this game, and it really encouraged grouping up and leveling. I grinded so much during that time, it was a blast :D

      I wish they would, but it might take a crazy person with enough determination to pull it off... and pull it off right.

      Thanks for the comment and take care, long live Megaten :D


  14. ''I think I'm one more lost person that look on google every week for any news about megaten too'' :/
    I think i was the only 'free-player' with lv93 who survive till the last game days.
    I really miss too much SMT. All my demons, chars, friends... I didn't like to play on Japanese server. I hope for Megaten USA server come back soon.
    PS: Sorry for my bad english, i'm a brazilian player.
    Thanks for your post!! <3
    Long Live Megaten!

    1. Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to read my article, even though English may not be your first language, I'm really happy you liked it!
      MMO's bring people around the world together, and Megaten is no exception. I check every now and then to see if there's still discussions lingering around, and it warms my heart to see people still talk about it even though a short time has passed. It's really something unique.

      I miss them too, I didn't have many friends but I met some wonderful people and was probably more attached to my demons than I should have been... sigh...

      Anyways thanks for the comment and don't forget your memories!


  15. AutumnRose waz here. Lvl 91 MB/Enhance/Cotw Gunna :U Arooooo!
    I was not there for those final moments a decision i regret over those years i seen people come and go here and there made many friends and some enemies. Garms are still the best Arooooo! o,.,o!
    P.S. I still havent uninstalled and saving a installer file just in case ;-;"

    1. Hi! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. Guestbook time? Good time meet you, AutumRose!
      And level 91... that's a feat that deserves applause. I thought that only getting to 65 was exhausting...
      I kept my installer files too, I was hoping to extract the music somehow. The field bgm right before the Gaia town was my favorite!
      You like garms? I kept my Brave Garm even after I went lawful, he was so sweet and cute and I couldn't toss him no matter what ;w;

      Thanks again for reading the article!


  16. Im looking for news of the server, when I encounter this article.. than nostalgia...

    like an idiot seeking long-awaited news having bought the rights (already happened once in aeria-atlus, hopefully again )

    I was had 7 characters (2 aeria tickets).. 1 mage/cotw/enh lvl94, 1 demon user/cotw/enh lvl60, 1 demon user/LoA lvl75, 1 Mage/DD/cotw lvl92, 1 enhex/demon user lvl94, 1 SIer 90% and 1 MB/enhex lvl93 many years invested in game...and some coins.. a game l will never forget

    PD: sorry, my english is very bad, lm from spain and l know little language, I learned ingame

    1. Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment n__n And don't worry at all, your English is great!
      I really wish that it would be bought by someone else too, sadly real life kinda sucks sometimes.
      That's dedication! Great job on making many diverse and powerful characters, I'm sure everyone wanted a piece of you :D Haha!
      Thanks again and never forget your memories!~


  17. So just finished reading and i am saddened to hear that they shut down the game. I recently became of fan of SMT and when i saw they had an MMO i wanted to play it only to find it has been shut down... have there been any word on anything? i would really love to play this game.

    1. Hi there! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment, sorry about my long delay (busybusy round here). It was the same for me the first time I heard of the MMO back in '09. I wouldn't say it's a mechanical masterpiece (it's clunky) but it has a lot of charm and a lot of freedom and so many great things about it that the clunkyness is really a non-issue.
      The best place for info would be the player-made English Speaking forum, which can be found here:

      No new updates on the threads I was following either, sadly. I think they got buried, in the end.

      Thanks for reading and may your travels take you to someplace as wonderful as megaten was~


  18. thanks for your handwork, I enjoyed reading this and the comment. For my friend and myself we enjoyed fusion, we kept trying to fuse every sec ever tho we lost so much macca. but we had fun and yeh this was the best game for me. i am trying to find a similar game to this but found nothing that interest me. Hope smt comes back, and this game has the nicest and kindest people because this is the only game i found no haters for anything to do with game.
    thanks again, i really miss smt. For me, this game was somewhere i could be me

    1. Hi! Thank you for taking the time to read and comment, I'm so honored that you like it! (albeit, the reason I wrote it is certainly sad).

      The first time I went to fuse, I got so scared that I would lose demons! I asked and someone said "Oh god no! You don't lose demons, there would be rioting in the streets." Hahaha XD I always tried to fuse fast too but it's better to wait till they get nicer skills you know!

      To be fairly honest, any kind of cyberpunk post-apoc. mmo would be cool, there's a lot of generic "fantasy" ones. We all want to play as an elf archer, right? Yeesh... people can be more creative if they try!

      The community was a true gem, and that's why the real crime was that such a loving and dedicated community got neglected and milked for as long as they did. It's cruelty :/

      Cherish your memories with megaten and hopefully someday, someone will follow in its footsteps and make an even better game!


  19. I miss my friends. I miss my Lvl 94 DD shotmage and all if the blackfrost wearing ppl parading around babel.

    1. Hi! Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. That costume was so goofy, I loved it!

      I miss my lvl 65 pure melee semi-ish tank. She was cool. Except when I accidentally let Hathor use maragi on mobs that repelled fire. Woops. Though admittedly, watching everyone flail back and scatter could get a giggle out. Haha~

      Long live your memories, and long live Megaten ;w;


  20. Archangel... I'll never forget you, hovering above me so elegantly...

  21. Hi, do you know the reason why Imagine Online got shut down?


    1. Hi, I replied to your comment but for some reason it didn't post. And that was a LOT of text, arrgh,

    2. I'm no expert but I believe it was a mix of CAVE's English division being discontinued (their website is pretty outdated, and their news section was last touched in 2011, with their facebook being touched in 2013 at the latest), Cave's unwillingness to fix bugs or sent content updates (remaining in the dark and not adamant about caring much for the English version) and just publisher issues in general. The game is pretty old compared to most MMos on the market, and with such a small playerbase it wasn't profitable to be picked up, since you need to make money back to host a game, after all.
      Not to mention Marvelous's sudden closure which could imply that assets NEEDED to be cut for the greater good of the company or things were worse financially than anyone thought (since the employees had no idea until it was announced.)

    3. Games like Ragnarok Online or Maplestory are pretty old, but are still relatively popular and profitable, and that's why they have a place in the English market, whereas sadly Megaten just didn't have the support, exposure, or performance to compete. Not to mention, but it pains me to say that the game was pretty pay to win, and that's depressing because it could have been great with fixes and adjustments over time. It seemed to start out ambitious but soon became a cash cow, ie "squeeze money out of whatever we can get before we discontinue it."

  22. It was my kinda world~ :'(
    That's way to sad. That was, My World.
    I'll miss it dearly. Or I'll give it a try at japanese server.

  23. Greetings from the tail end of 2016. I'm so glad to find out that I'm not alone in my reminiscence of SMT: IO. Now that the Japanese servers are down as well, it does truly seem like there wouldn't be another world quite like it again.

    Sigh, so many things to miss about Imagine... then again, I just felt the urge to say hi to others who feel the same. Always nice to be with my people.
