Friday, May 13, 2016

Anime Artifacts: Chibi Vampire, Volume 1

Good Friday evening, everyone! Today's oddity isn't too incredible, but it's unusual nonetheless. I just called it an "oddity" after all... Though it runs more along the lines of what we'd call an "error" or "misprint". Behold, for this volume of Chibi Vampire, the cover has been flipped completely!

Yep, for whatever reason, the cover that was placed on this volume was intended for a copy that reads left to right. It's weird because as far as I know, I've never seen a volume of Chibi Vampire that read left to right. Although it was common to flip manga entirely so that the story read left to right, Chibi Vampire definitely wasn't given this treatment, and all the other volumes that I own have their covers on for the traditional Japanese format. After all, the book itself still reads right to left, so it's only the cover that was misplaced. 

I actually owned a regular copy of volume 1, but this particular book was gifted to me by a friend looking to purge her manga collection. I can only guess that it was just a printing error with the spine and nothing more, but it sure is interesting! Just another odd thing to keep in one's collection.

That's all for this post of Anime Artifacts, and there will certainly be more to come! Thank you so very much for reading.

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